Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This Saturday

I know you'll dearly miss our drunken freestyle battles at all the hipster bars this weekend but we're off to Nashville to check out Twist Art Gallery's opening. We're partnering up with them in the upcoming year to bring some Nashville artists to Atlanta and some of our local favorites up there.

Don't worry, we'll be true to our school. Just like we would to our girl or guy.

Check out twist - http://www.twistartgallery.com/

Monday, September 29, 2008

Me/We Collaborative show.

We've got a cool show coming up at Aurora. 20 artists have started pieces and then traded pieces with other artists which they will then finish. Images to come, but until then here's the list of artists followed by the artist completing their piece:

Dosa Kim - Joy Phrasavath

Shaun Thurston - Michi

Mike Germon - Born

Zarlacc - Harrison Keys

Harrison Keys - Zarlacc

Meta Gary – Aubrey Pope

Ben Goldman - Stephanie Howard

Bryan Westberry – Jason R. Butcher

Sten Mostrom – Sat Kirpal Khalsa

Baxter Crane – Mike Germon

Ann-Marie Manker - J.R. Schulz

Joy Phrasavath - Dosa Kim

Jason R. Butcher - Baxter Crane

Sat Kirpal Khalsa - Stenvik Mostrom

Michi - Shaun Thurston

Aubrey Pope – Meta Gary

Stephanie Howard – Metatronic

Born – Ben Goldman

J.R. Schulz – Ann- Marie Manker

Metatronic – Bryan Westberry

Not quite as much variation as the first Me/We which we did in our house a couple years ago, but there are definitely a lot of interesting combinations. The show opens November 7th @ Aurora Coffee. More to come...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Warning Phase 1 (In Progress)

A version of this is actually Metatronic's first entry for the ME/WE show, which is being finished by Bryan Westberry. On another note, Bryan's been working on a hilarious new cartoon called Oxmar. Check out the website for more info.

Fresh New Kicks!

Vik Singh, you are my hero.


I've never owned shoes I didn't buy at Target, Payless, or some other knock-offery, so I definitely don't know how to rock shoes like these.
Do I need special pants? Socks? Some kind of unique facial hair? What colors?



Monday, September 22, 2008

Chris Devoe at Highland Inn Tonight!

Aside from being an awesome guy, Chris is also an amazing musician and DJ. Check him out tonight @ Highland Inn:

One night only Audio Visual clash from David Moore (Eyekiss Films) and Chris Devoe, featuring a mix of Downtempo, Breaks, Chill Hip Hop, and Progressive Beats by Arepaz Reoords artist Chris Devoe.

Em's Munny

No it's not the subtitle for City Slickers 3, it's a toy / sculpture by Beep Beep intern Em Kemph which was featured in last Saturday's Munnybrella show over at Mint Gallery. Em is what they call a "polymath", one whose knowledge is not restricted to one subject area (thanks for the vocab Em.) You can learn all about her various art and music excursions over at her blog notaglumalot.

Check check it!

Warning Signs

Lately I've been really obsessed with warning diagrams and have started working on some pieces featuring them.

There's something really fascinating about an image that has to convey some deadly accident in the simplest form possible without using words. Don't let baby drown in the paint bucket!

The ones without people are the best, especially the "shield your eyes. lasers in operation." sign I have in my bathroom (not pictured). I also really like this one from the air conditioner behind Aurora that looks like an electric shock warning for Masons.
I'll upload some of the drawings as they progress.


Howdy! There's plenty going on at Beep Beep outside of what's actually in the gallery. Collectively we're involved in all kinds of stuff including curating, zines, street art, music, our own art, djing, and much much more not to mention all the things that our friends are stirring up.

Hope you enjoy!
Beep Beep Crew